As many of you know, we will not be having a morning service on the last Sunday of the year-December 27th.  This is something that we’ve done as a church for the last number of years and I wanted to take a moment to communicate the importance of why we do it.

From the time that we began to survey our volunteers, we have been encouraged by what we continue to see year in and year out.  We have little over 60% of our regular attenders volunteer in at least one area of ministry.  We typically hear the 80/20 rule where 20 percent do 80 percent of the work but at Village Green that stereotype does not hold true.

Our volunteer base is one of the most valuable resources we have. A blessing we acknowledge and not take lightly. If you are a volunteer in any of our ministry areas, we want to thank you with our deepest appreciation for all you do. You are instrumental to the overall mission and heart of Village Green as a vibrant community of faith.

Therefore, because of the wholehearted commitment you give to the church throughout the year we feel its important to give you an opportunity to have a much-needed break; a time with no expectations or the pressure of preparing for a service or organizing an event.  So, the most logical time to take a breather and a pause is during the Christmas/New Year time slot.

If you are a volunteer we hope that you take this opportunity to recharge and celebrate with family and friends.  As a reminder our last service will be on Christmas Eve, the 24th, and we return to normal services again on January 3rd 2016.

For some, the 9-day stretch between services may be a bit too long to bear.  We understand and have some suggestions to present for your consideration to help during this time away. Just because we are not having a formal service on the 27th doesn’t mean that you have to stop being the church!

  1. Take time to encourage someone who may be alone or some distance from his or her family. Invite them for dinner and invest in a relationship.
  2. Have your own service in your home. Invite some friends, sing some songs and study or discuss a particular passage of Scripture.
  3. Visit another church, but go with some intention. What did you enjoy, what did they do well or what could be improved?  Were you able to worship and were you inspired?
  4. Take some concentrated time to pray and reflect. Use the time to take inventory of the year behind you and consider some goals that would honor God in the New Year.
  5. Enjoy being present with your family. Breathe in the full embrace of nothing demanding your attention except that of the ones you love and care about.

Thank you again to all our volunteers.  You are a big part of why we are a great church!  We hope that you will be strengthened during this time and return with renewed energy as we seek together to advance the Kingdom of God.

In Christ,
Jon Korkidakis
Lead Pastor, Village Green Community Church