To our Village Green Community Church family;

Well, it’s Christmas time again. Another year is drawing to a close and with it comes time for reflecting on the past year while looking forward to the next.

With respect to 2013, it has been an incredible year. We continue to experience growth, we’ve entered into a building program, and our involvement with our community has deepened in significant ways.

With all that we have to praise God for, the prospects before us in 2014 are even more exciting. Rarely has a new year presented itself with so much potential for ministry.

Despite the temptation to turn this letter into a promotion for all the great things happening at Village Green, our intent is to communicate something more; something more personal.

Darlene and I want to wish you a most blessed Christmas. Not in a trite or cavalier way, but with all the hope that our faithful God can impart to you. May you truly experience the joy and wonder of the season as we celebrate the birth of Christ.

This time of year can be difficult for many. The holidays have a way of accentuating the areas of our lives where we feel loss and hurt. May you, in those moments, be reminded that Christ is ever present as our Immanuel, God with us!

It can be a time where responsibilities can become an overwhelming burden. In the busyness of each day may you know the peace that comes by giving those burdens to Christ, who promises to carry them for you and lighten your load.

For those who feel the weight of the needs around them may you know the sufficiency of Christ. Knowing He will meet those needs with all the resources heaven has to offer. Not always in material ways, but in ways that will deepen your faith and widen your circle of love.

To those of you who need a fresh infusion of hope may you be reminded that God has promised an eternity of blessing to those He has called His own.  Though you may feel the weight of your discouragement may you know the enormity of God’s grace.

Whatever your circumstances this year, we want to wish you all a most joyous Christmas. May the wonder of an incarnate God permeate every part of your celebration and silence.

It may be a bit of imaginary license but the world that invited the Saviour struggled with the same longings that have resonated in every soul from the dawn of creation. To know that life has purpose and meaning beyond the drudgery that can so often be mistaken for life.

Which is why the message of Christmas is so timely even for us today. The very purpose in God sending His Son into the world is relevant for everyone, bringing near the opportunity to find forgiveness for all who claim faith in Christ. Sin no longer can have mastery over us, because Christ has won the victory over death and sin, and we by faith become the recipients of this marvellous gift.

So, as we prepare to celebrate Christ’s birth, may we do so with great anticipation of what God will do in our lives as we continue to be obedient to Him. Not only individually but collectively as a community of faith here at Village Green. And may 2014 be a year where we not only continue to Love God, Love Others, and Change the World, but also experience the fruits of our mission as we see lives transformed for Christ.

Praying God’s best for you this Christmas Season and into 2014!

In Christ;

Jon and Darlene Korkidakis

Luke 2:8-11 8 That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep.  9 Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terrified, 10 but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people.  11 The Savior — yes, the Messiah, the Lord — has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!