I am about to embark on an intense two-week Sabbatical to complete the manuscript for my book. Before I go “underground” for the next two weeks I wanted to first ask for prayer. I really want this time to be productive and to finish this project that has been over a year in the making.

Secondly, I know it’s summer and we are in the throes of the holiday season, but before we know it September will be upon us. I don’t mean to hurry the warm weather along, but I wanted to let you know what you can be looking forward to in the days and months ahead.

Some of this you may of read in our Annual Report, but wanted to repeat it here so that it echoes in as many venues as possible. There are lots of good things happening and more to come!

Coming soon to Village Green…

  1. As many of you are aware, we have been investigating various building options. After much prayer and investigation a plan is now in place. Take time to read the previous blog for an outline of the building proposal. The plan has a number of elements and timelines so please make sure you’ve taken the time to read it. Stay tuned because you are going to be hearing more in the days ahead.
  2. A Fundraising Team has been established that has already met and begun to provide ideas for raising money for the project(s) being proposed. Along with the Finance Team, we are looking forward to the financial plan that will be presented.
  3. We are also moving to incorporate video. Apart from making the messages available on our web site, we are also looking at providing these videos in packaged form to Senior Centre’s and possibly the jail.  This is an avenue of potential growth for the ministry. One of the strategic plans is to move into the area of video/internet with the expectation of establishing a full service online church community.
  4. We are also looking at partnering with a ministry out of Ottawa that helps in the area of finances and debt reduction. We realize that one of the great issues beleaguering Canadians is debt and financial integrity. This is especially true as it relates to spiritual health, because the two are often intertwined.
  5. There is at present some investigation into an alternate service. Again, this is in its very early stages but a growing sense among many is the time has come to create something to reach those not typically in church. This would likely be an evening service, designed dramatically different from our present Sunday mornings but would be shaped to appeal to the community around us.
  6. You’ve noticed over the past year a different look on Sunday mornings. The Creative/Connections Teams have merged and together they continue to find ways to make the experience here more personal. We’ve gotten many comments complimenting their work and how it has added to our services. Watch for more exciting happenings coming from this group.
  7. Look also for new ways to be generous. We will be offering online giving from our web site and even the possibility of giving to the church through your bank as a payee in your billing system.

Apart from those items mentioned, there are also a host of new initiatives being proposed. Many are in the early stages but they include new specific target Life Groups to retreats geared to developing spiritual disciplines. There are many things in the works so please be praying that thee initiatives, if applicable, could soon find their way into the life of the church.

As an example, did you know that we have a Life Group that meets in Grand Rapids Michigan? Yup! There are 10-12 adults who listen to one of the sermon series and go through the questions just like our regular groups that meet here. Now we have no idea how long this group will continue, because its something they wanted to try out for the summer. But the fact that a group like this exists, even for a short time is something to praise God for. So, prayer for this group. Who knows, maybe God is doing this so we grasp a bigger picture of what we can do when we step out in faith. I don’t know about you, but it sure makes me excited about the ways God can use us!

So, it may be summer….but September’s coming!!