As many of you know, we have decided in September to move to two morning services here at Village Green. This was not an easy decision but a necessary one nonetheless.

From now until September we will be posting updates and various news items to keep you informed with the progress being made. There is much work to be done in order to make the transition to two services and want to make it as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

Before I get into some of the critical details, I want to thank those of you who took the time to fill out the survey. We had 113 respondents, which is remarkable as far as surveys go. The PDF has just the raw numbers. No comments that were shared are given due to privacy concerns.

To see the survey results please click here.

As Elders, Board, and Staff, we wrestled with the perennial “why” question. There are those who would question this move and from a number of perspectives they would be right in doing so. In fact, if you’ve ever said…

  • “There is still a few empty seats in the auditorium,” or,
  • “It will destroy our sense of community,” or,
  • “I won’t get to see all my friends,” or,
  • “It will ruin the good thing we got going on now.”

If you’ve expressed any of those concerns, or others like it, they are valid concerns to have. In fact, we’ve asked them too. There is a lot to celebrate here and there seems something almost reckless in messing with it.

But despite the arguments that can be made for keeping the present as is, a greater purpose compels us.  One we dare not ignore. We do not exist as a church to rest comfortably on the successes of the past, or to intentionally limit the potential for reaching more people with the Gospel, which is the first declaration found in our Vision statement.

We have an opportunity that has presented itself, an opportunity that will both challenge and stretch us. Anyone who has been in our situation agrees that we need to find ways to encourage further growth and the second service option is the best in terms of resources and  time.

In prayer and consultation with the entire leadership strata, the suggested times for the two services will be 9 and 10:45. Both services will be identical in terms of structure, music, and message. During May we will be meeting with ministry heads and volunteers in every key area in order to determine the best ways to present both services with excellence.

Please be in prayer as we begin to put the critical pieces together and make a point to check back here regularly for progress reports and updates. 

Yours in Christ;
Jon Korkidakis