One of the most effective programs we run as a church is Day Camp. Over the years it has grown not only in excellence, but also in reputation in our community as an effective week for touching young lives with spiritual truths.

Which is why it may surprise you that it is being cancelled for this year. It was not an easy decision for the leadership to make but it’s because of our commitment to the integrity of the program that the decision came as it did.

As you know, Village Green has entered into a building program with a new addition slated to begin construction this spring. Coupled with the upgrading of our Heating and Cooling system, the potential of the church becoming a construction zone over the summer months is very real.

This not only posed a logistical problem, but also raised the important question concerning safety. The prospect of having the property teeming with children during construction was not something worth risking.

As with all construction projects we cannot be certain of timelines. The LINC programs are finished in late June, which allows us the freedom to begin key renovations. Since Day Camp runs anywhere from late July to early August, we could not be assured that the construction would be done in time to run the camp.

It is also an intensive enterprise, both in planning and in volunteers. With so much transpiring over the summer, as well as the intensive planning that is going into our September start-up, the leadership also felt it best not to spread our energies too thin.

Therefore, with those key factors in mind, the leadership resolved to cancel, a decision also confirmed by those who were entrusted to running the program this year. Safety is a paramount concern, as is the essential integrity of Day Camp.

Our intent is to inform all past participants of the decision. Either through letter, email, Facebook, our website, or blog. We want to communicate clearly the reasons so that everyone has a clear understanding that our intent is to improve the facility for future Day Camps.

Because of this decision, it will allow us to potentially increase our registrations from 80 to well over 100. The new addition will serve us better in terms of room allocations, capacity, and use.  There will be dramatic improvement to the environments due to a system that will allow air conditioning to every part of the building.

These improvements will certainly be felt and appreciated when Day Camp resumes in 2015. Though we may have a sense of disappointment, the sacrifice made this year will benefit our church and vital programs for years to come.

Part of what it means to Love God, Love Others, and Change the World, is making decisions that will help propel us to those ends. May we all live with intent and purpose, and be prayerful for the year that lies ahead for Village Green.